Lemon . The composition includes various useful substances, but this product is especially valuable by the presence of ascorbic acid, the amount of which exceeds the daily norm. Citrus normalizes the level of cholesterol and resists the growth of cancer cells.

Honey . This product increases the body's resistance to the action of many infections, and it also improves the body's health.
Spinach . The composition includes antioxidants, which help to strengthen immunity. This product has a rejuvenating effect and effectively fights against cancer cells.

Broccoli . This vegetable is deservedly included in the category of the 10 most useful food products, as it helps to prevent the development of many oncological diseases, improve the work of the nervous, digestive and cardiovascular system.
Garlic . This vegetable is actively fighting with various viruses and other diseases. It helps reduce the risk of cancer.

Salmon . This fish contains many fatty acids, which reduce the risk of heart disease. In addition, these substances favorably affect the nervous and cardiovascular system.

Dairy products . The composition includes valuable proteins and calcium important for bone tissue. Scientists believe that with a daily intake of milk can significantly reduce the risk of cancer.

Walnuts . This product is not in vain included in the list of the 10 most useful food products for women and men, as it normalizes the level of cholesterol in the blood, stabilizes the work of the nervous system.

Fish . This is an important product that is necessary for the heart. It is proved that with regular use the risk of serious heart problems is reduced by 50%.

Bananas . The composition of a lot of potassium - a mineral, important for muscle mass. This product also normalizes the pressure and reduces the risk of heart disease.

Choose a diet made of nutrient-rich foods. Nutrient-rich (or nutrient-dense) foods are low in sugar, sodium, starches, and bad fats. They contain a lot of vitamins and minerals and few calories. Your body needs vitamins and minerals, known as micronutrients. They nourish your body and help keep you healthy. They can reduce your risk for chronic diseases. Getting them through food ensures your body can absorb them properly.

Try to eat a variety of foods to get different vitamins and minerals. Foods that naturally are nutrient-rich include fruits and vegetables. Lean meats, fish, whole grains, dairy, legumes, nuts, and seeds also are high in nutrients.

Path to improved health
You may not get all the micronutrients your body needs. Americans tend to eat foods that are high in calories and low in micronutrients. These foods often also contain added sugar, sodium (salt), and saturated or trans fats. This type of diet contributes to weight gain. It can increase your risk of health issues, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Whole-grain foods are low in fat. They’re also high in fiber and complex carbohydrates. This helps you feel full longer and prevents overeating. Check the ingredient list for the word “whole.” For example, “whole wheat flour” or “whole oat flour.” Look for products that have at least 3 grams of fiber per serving. Some enriched flours have fiber but are not nutrient-rich.

Choose these foods:

Rolled or steel cut oats
Whole-wheat pasta
Whole-wheat tortillas
Whole-grain (wheat or rye) crackers, breads, and rolls
Brown or wild rice
Barley, quinoa, buckwheat, whole corn, and cracked wheat
Fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables naturally are low in fat. They add nutrients, flavor, and variety to your diet. Look for colorful fruits and vegetables, especially orange and dark green.

Choose these foods:

Broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts
Leafy greens, such as chard, cabbage, romaine, and bok choy
Dark, leafy greens, such as spinach and kale
Squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, turnips, and pumpkin
Snap peas, green beans, bell peppers, and asparagus
Apples, plums, mangos, papaya, pineapple, and bananas
Blueberries, strawberries, cherries, pomegranates, and grapes
Citrus fruits, such as grapefruits and oranges
Peaches, pears, and melons
Tomatoes and avocados

What are the top 20 healthiest foods?
1. Avocado
Nutrient-dense and with just half a fruit counting as one portion of your five-a-day, avocado is a useful addition to the diet. It’s an excellent source of monounsaturated fat, vitamin E and a good source of folate – all of which benefit the heart. Avocado also supplies more soluble fibre than most other fruit and contains a number of useful minerals including iron, copper and potassium.

Discover the health benefits of avocado.

Use avocado to make our burrito bowl with avocado and chipotle black beans, and quick chicken hummus bowl.

2. Blackcurrants
These tart little fruits are one of the richest for their health-promoting phytonutrient content. With 30 times more vitamin C and 40% more protective polyphenols than blueberries, they’re the undeclared stars of the fruit garden. Numerous studies suggest they benefit high blood pressure and other cardiovascular illnesses.

Add blackcurrants to our blackcurrant no-churn ice cream and blackcurrant compote.

3. Brussels sprouts
As well as supplying more essential nutrients per calorie than most other veggies, brussels sprouts are especially rich in the plant compound kaempferol. This antioxidant has been studied for its many health-promoting properties.

Ideally microwave or steam, rather than boil sprouts to retain as much as twice the nutritional goodness.

Discover the health benefits of brussels sprouts.

Enjoy our crunchy sprout remolade and cranberry, sprout and pecan pilaf.

4. Buckwheat
Buckwheat has an enviable antioxidant profile, better than that of many cereal grains including oats and wheat. As well as containing plant compounds like rutin, it’s one of the richest food sources of d-chiro inositol, which may help manage blood sugar levels. Being a seed rather than grain and despite its name, buckwheat is naturally gluten free. Discover our how to cook buckwheat guide.

Nordic walking technique - explanations for beginners
First of all: What is Nordic Walking anyway?
Nordic walking is a sport that is becoming more and more popular. With this form of walking, special sticks are used, which provide additional support for locomotion. But it's not just about walking with sticks - it's all about the right technique. Nordic walking technique means that the body is particularly stressed. The use of the arms and shoulders increases the training effect and the entire body is strengthened. The history of the development of this technique is exciting: It was originally invented as summer training for skiers, but this sport has now developed into an independent discipline. But whether you are a beginner or an advanced walker, the right technique is crucial for success in Nordic Walking.

The basics of Nordic Walking technique
Nordic walking is becoming increasingly popular among outdoor sports enthusiasts. However, few advocates of this sport are aware of the important roles that correct Nordic Walking technique can play. The right technique can help to make training more effective and gentle on the body. In order to master the Nordic Walking technique, you need to have a few basics that you have to pay attention to. A good posture and the correct placement of your sticks is particularly important. With a few tips and exercises, you can learn the correct Nordic Walking technique quickly and easily. Using the proven method of cross-training, Nordic walking is an excellent choice for anyone looking to stay healthy and get in shape.

Nordic walking technique for beginners – understanding the important basics
If you are new to Nordic Walking, it is important to understand and use the ALFA technique. The four letters stand for the correct posture and type of movement that you should follow when walking with poles. In the further course we will go into the individual points of the Nordic Walking technique - ALFA - in detail and give you a few important tips to take with you on your way.

Nordic walking technique
A - Upright posture
An upright posture is of central importance in Nordic Walking. Not only does it allow you to feel the full effects of your workout, but it also helps prevent injuries and improves overall posture.

An upright posture ensures that your muscles work properly and you can breathe effectively. It activates more muscles in your body, especially those in your upper body and core that are often neglected. In addition, an upright posture relieves your back and neck by reducing pressure on these areas.

To maintain an upright posture, consider the following tips:

Look ahead: Avoid looking at the ground while walking. Instead, you should always look ahead and keep your eyes at eye level.
relax shoulders: Keep your shoulders relaxed and try to avoid any tension in this area. Your shoulders should neither be pulled forward nor pulled back, but remain in a neutral position.
push out chest: Imagine a band pulling your sternum up. This will help push out your chest and promote an upright posture.
Activate abdominal muscles: Slightly contract your abs as if trying to pull your navel towards your spine. This will strengthen your core and support your spine.
L - Long arm
The term "long arm" in Nordic Walking's ALFA technique refers to the way you swing your arms as you walk. A long arm means you should fully extend your arm when you thrust the stick forward.

A long arm is important in Nordic Walking because it helps maximize the effectiveness of your workout. By fully extending your arm, you activate more muscles, especially those in your upper body. This can help improve the strength and endurance of these muscles, which in turn can improve your overall fitness and health.

Here are some tips on how to achieve long arm Nordic walking:

arm swing: Start with a natural arm swing. Your arm should move back and forth in a natural motion, similar to normal walking.
pole use: As your arm swings forward, insert the stick at the level of your foot and then push it away backwards with an outstretched hand. Make sure your arm is fully extended.
retreat: When your arm has reached the rearmost point of its swing motion, withdraw the stick and prepare for the next step.
Repetition: Repeat this process with each step. This movement may take some time to get used to, but over time it will become second nature.
It's important to note that being "long arm" doesn't mean your arms should be rigid or unnatural. You should still have some flexibility and "fluency" in your movements. The key is to fully extend your arms and engage as many muscles as possible.

F - Flat stick
A "flat stick" refers to the position of the Nordic Walking stick in relation to the ground. The goal is to hold the stick at about a 60-degree angle to the ground, with the stick pointing backwards when your arm is extended.

A flat stick is important to maximize training effectiveness and avoid injury. When held flat, the stick can be used effectively to push the body forward, increasing momentum. It also ensures that the stick is not lifted unnecessarily high, which could result in shoulder or arm injuries.

Here are some tips on how to properly handle a flat stick:

right grip: Hold the stick loosely without gripping it too tightly. The thumb and forefinger should form an "O" shape.
stick position: When you thrust the stick forward, the stick should be at an angle of about 60 degrees to the ground. The stick should point backwards when the arm is extended.
arm and hand position: When jabbing with the stick, your arm should be fully extended and your hand should be at hip level.
flow of movement: Try to maintain a fluid movement by swinging the stick naturally with each step.
A - Adjusted stride length
Adjusted stride length refers to the length of each step you take while Nordic Walking. Optimal stride length is critical to effective training as it determines the intensity of the workout and helps minimize stress on the joints.

Too long a stride can cause you to trip or fall, while too small a stride can make your workout less effective. An adjusted stride length allows you to find a stable rhythm that is both comfortable and efficient.

Here are some tips for determining the ideal stride length for Nordic Walking:

Natural gait: Start with your natural stride length. This is usually the most comfortable and efficient length for most people.
Adaptation: Adjust your stride length depending on how intense you want to train. A larger stride length increases the intensity of the workout, while a smaller stride length makes the workout easier.
balance and stability: Make sure your stride length allows you good balance and stability. If you feel like you're tripping or wobbling, you should adjust your stride length.
consistency: Try to maintain a consistent stride length. A steady rhythm helps maximize the efficiency of the workout.
exercise: Practice your stride regularly. Over time, you'll get a better sense of what works best for you.
It's important to note that the ideal stride length varies from person to person and depends on several factors, including height, fitness level, and personal preference. Just experiment with different stride lengths to find what works best for you.

The various Nordic Walking techniques - real walking with sticks
There are various Nordic walking techniques that can be used in different ways depending on the terrain and goal. One of the best known is the diagonal step technique, in which the arms are moved parallel to the floor. The is suitable for steep uphill passages uphill technique, in which the sticks are pushed diagonally upwards. In the One stick technique only one stick is used during the double deck technique Both sticks can be used at the same time. The 1-2 step technique is particularly dynamic and the Hopping run Nordic walking technique is used for training jumping power and coordination. At Nordic running It is a combination of running and Nordic walking. By choosing the right Nordic Walking technique, the training becomes even more effective and the exercise becomes a beneficial sport for body and soul.

Nordic walking technique for beginners

Now let's take a closer look at the individual Nordic Walking techniques:

Diagonal step Nordic walking technique
The diagonal step technique is one of the most basic and commonly used techniques in Nordic Walking. It mimics the natural movement of walking and promotes both coordination and balance. Here is a step-by-step guide to implementing this Nordic Walking technique:

Positioning: Start in an upright position with your feet about hip-width apart. The sticks should be held loosely in your hands with the tips of the sticks pointing slightly backwards.
Exercise: When you take a step with your right foot, you swing your left arm forward and vice versa. This is the "diagonal" aspect of the technique - the opposite arm and foot move at the same time.
pole use: As your arm swings forward, insert the stick at the level of your foot and then push it away backwards with an outstretched hand. The stick should be at an angle of about 60 degrees to the ground when your arm is fully extended.
retreat: When your arm reaches the rearmost point of its swing, pull the stick back and prepare for the next step.
Repetition: Repeat this process with each step. The rhythm should be steady and fluid, similar to normal walking.

What is Nordic walking?
Nordic walking is a full-body, low-impact workout that consists of walking using specialized poles. When done correctly, it can engage up to 90% of your muscles and offer an intense cardiovascular and strength-training workout, according to experts.

“The basic concept is you add upper body activity in the context of using Nordic poles, or walking poles, to assist with moving forward when you’re walking,” Dr. Aaron Baggish, director of the Cardiovascular Performance Program at Massachusetts General Hospital, told TODAY. Think of it as a way to enhance your typical walks by involving more muscles.

As the name suggests, this form of walking is popular in Nordic countries and originated in Finland, Jennifer Reed, Ph.D., director of the Exercise Physiology and Cardiovascular Health Laboratory at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute, told TODAY. While it’s often associated with hiking, Reed said, Nordic walking or “urban poling” can be done by anyone, anywhere — as long as there is room to walk.

How do you Nordic walk?
The key is to not overcomplicate it, the experts noted. The technique involves walking holding each pole alongside your body and moving the poles in opposition to your legs so they are at a 45-degree angle, according to the American Nordic Walking Association (ANWA) which has a free beginner’s guide on their website.

“Think about what the normal arm swing would be if you were walking without poles and accentuate that with the poles in your hand. In doing so, the poles come up into a vertical position with each foot strike, they make contact [with the ground] above the foot then you can use them to push forward and accelerate,” Baggish explained.

You will need poles specifically designed for Nordic walking, which are different from those used for trekking, the experts noted. Nordic walking poles typically have rubber tips on the end, which may be removable, and the grips have wrist straps to keep the poles attached to your hands, according to ANWA.

These poles come in a range of prices, the experts said, but the important part is finding poles that are the proper length for your height and grip. Baggish encourages beginners to invest in wrist straps that are higher quality or glove-like, "because they really reduce wrist injury and make the hand a lot more effective as the interface between the body and the pole."

The proper technique is not difficult to master, the experts said, and once you do, it can offer tremendous benefits.

The benefits of Nordic walking
Turn walking into a full-body workout
Walking works the lower body — the legs, quads, glutes, calves — but not the upper body, Stephanie Mansour, personal trainer and TODAY contributing health and fitness writer, told TODAY. “Walking with poles turns it into a total-body workout,” Mansour said, because the poles add strength training and cardio components for the upper body, working the arms, shoulders, upper back and core.

“When you get the poles involved, you really move up to 80 to 90% of the major muscle groups are engaged, so you’re just getting a better workout,” Baggish said. Nordic walking can become even more challenging if you walk faster and engage more with the polls, said Reed, boosting your heart rate.

“The more muscle groups that are engaged meaningfully, the more calories you’re burning per unit time or per distance,” said Baggish, estimating that there is a 40–50% increase in calorie expenditure when people are using their upper body in Nordic walking versus regular walking. “The analogy some people like, which I think can be useful, is the difference between a stair stepper and an elliptical trainer,” said Baggish.

Reduce risk of injury
Another benefit of Nordic walking? The poles can provide stability and prevent falls, the experts noted. “For anyone who’s dealing with fragility or balance issues, I think this is an amazing tool to have in their repertoire,” Baggish said.

An effective workout for heart patients
Nordic walking is also great for heart health. A recent study published in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology found that Nordic walking was superior compared to other exercise methods for improving functional capacity, or the ability to perform physical activities, among heart disease patients.

“The main purpose of the trial was to look at the impacts of different exercise strategies for adults with cardiovascular disease,” said Reed, adding that researchers wanted to see if one method might be more successful in improving a patient’s long-term functional or exercise capacity, which is strongly linked to future cardiovascular events such as heart attacks.

All of the study participants previously had a cardiovascular event or procedure such as a stent placement, said Reed, who was a co-author of the study. Researchers compared the long-term effects of three different forms of exercise as part of a cardiovascular rehabilitation program: high-intensity interval training (HIIT), moderate-to-vigorous intensity continuous training (MICT) and Nordic walking.

“Over the course of 12 weeks, Nordic walking actually had superior clinical benefits on exercise capacity than HIIT and MICT … not what we had expected,” said Reed. While all exercise methods improved depression and quality of life among patients, Nordic walking produced the greatest improvement in functional capacity that was maintained over time.